Sunday, February 19, 2012

Not the Ideal Cuddle Buddies

I'm not one to say that some women deserve men leaving them. But I mean... When did women start looking like anorexic weight lifters? Oh right, when they started becoming anorexic weight lifters. Guy Ritchie, Madonna's ex-husband said that laying next to her in bed used to feel like cuddling up to a piece of gristle. Normally I'd call him a douche but he looks to be pretty right. And she's so douchey she doesn't get a pass. And why do these actresses keep getting praised by the press and other females for their "fab bods" especially at "their age"??? Who are these people complimenting them? They look like Slim Jims wrapped around muscle. I've seen less veins in anatomy books. These women could stand to use a little more flesh. Some curves. It's what being a woman is all about! Eat something ladies and put down the protein and weights, you look a mess. Get your ta-ta's back before your bones collapse.

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