WELCOME to the new Myspace. What's with these new breed of guys waiting on facebook chat ready to pounce? The ones that linger on there for hours late at night hoping to have a promising conversation. They keep up a nerdy computer game and facebook chat at the same time just in case. Just in case their precious ego can be stroked. If we are not friends outside of facebook, we are not really friends. We will not form a closer friendship based out of facebook. Or how about the guys that scroll down the "People You May Know" list and try and friend as many un-obese females as they can? Are you trying to prove to yourself or to others that you matter to girls? Do you feel better? Do you feel like this is a subliminal pick up line that all these girls just accepted in your simple little brain? It just goes back to these blazing insecurities that boys have. I stress the words boys here. I think the population of creeps is rising because the insecurities of men in general are rising. Women are becoming stronger and more vocal by the day. We're taking over the power in sex (that was always), in a lot of workplaces, in emotional superiority, and in life in general. Men are becoming disposal to us for good reason: because they are doing this to themselves. And now they're scrambling. This scares the poo out of boys so why not creep on facebook to solidify your "manhood". Why make the effort to go to a bar or ask a girl on a date. Rejections on facebook are so much more sublte and easier to deal with and guys just can't deal these days. Facebook chat a girl and talk about your new bike, your workout routine, your fake sadness over a recent break up. Anything to get a humoring "lol" so you can feel better about yourself. Have fun scrolling down the "People You May Know" list and making some real connections.
This is amazing. Go JENJAN