Thursday, December 3, 2009

Man Crush of the Moment: Norman Reedus

So my sister has been trying to get me into Robert Pattinson because she knows I like awkward and quirky weird guys. No offense to those who love him but he is far too contrived for my liking. And maybe vampires have gone too mainstream for my glitterless little grinch heart. So I have posted a mini shrine to another actor instead to wrestle some of you out of the obsession. Oh me and my obscure odd taste. So I came across Norman Reedus while googling him (weird right?) Someone had told me that the brown haired McManus brother in the Boondock Saints (him) also played Elliott in the movie E.T. (false!). So I noticed he is perdy to look at (and modeled, but we won't hold it against him) but also was cool and awkward and an artist. Well hellooooo sir. But in all seriousness he has some kick ass photography and does some cool ass art exhibits and is in some good flicks too. I also think he picks his film roles based on whether or not he's allowed to rip as many butts as possibly on camera. Slash bite his nails. Slash be too cool for school. Can't hate that. Here is my mini shrine. Aaaaaand I'm officially weird. There will be further mini shrines to people whom I appreciate in the future. Suggestions are welcome. Enjoy.

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